(435) 590-2864
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Rafter V Farrier Supports Farrier Knowledge

Clinics & Workshops

Rafter V offers farrier clinics and workshops to further educate farriers.  We bring in knowledgeable professionals for a day of learning.

Our next clinic is scheduled for April 30, 2022.  Clinic goes from 9am-4pm, lunch is provided and door prizes.  Please RSVP by emailing Rafter V Farrier Tool Rebuilds.

Keep in touch with us on our Facebook page.  We post often and you will be sure to get information on our farrier clinics and workshops.

Questions? Contact Us.

We are easy to reach

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Rafter V Farrier Tool Rebuilds

Rafter V Farrier Tool Rebuilds most brands of nippers, clinchers and pull-offs.  We can convert old nippers into nail cutters. Guaranteed workmanship, competitive pricing, quick turn around and free return shipping.


Rafter V, 2258 N. 2000 W., Parowan, UT 84761 | (435) 590-2864 | Email